What About "Works"
In The New Age/Covenant?
By Jonathan Mitchell

Some Thoughts on Gal. 6:4-10

4. So let each one habitually put his own work to the test for approval (examine and prove the deeds and actions which he does), and then he will have a cause for exultation-effects (or: hold a sense of achievement) in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person,

This is an admonition to self-examination of how one is living - putting our "works" to the test - and exulting in how the body is being built up (e.g., 1 Cor. 3:10-17), if what has been done is with materials of worth and value (figured as "gold, silver and precious stones").

But the sense of achievement is to be based upon the Christ-life within each one alone, "and not in comparison with the other person." There is no competition in Christ; our focus is to be Him (2 Cor. 3:18) within ourselves and within others, as we reflect His image - the image of cruciform servanthood. Cf Rom. 4:2, 1 Cor. 9:15-16 and 1 Thes. 2:19 in regard to "exultation-effects."

5. for, each one will lift up and carry (or: shoulder) his own specific little load (or: pack; small thing to be borne).

It is the burden that belongs to Christ that is one's "own specific little load," or back-pack. Jesus told us,

"You see, My crossbeam (or: the yoke which is Me; the balance beam that comes from, and pertains to, Me) is useful and kindly obliging, and My load (the burden that is Me and which pertains to Me) continues being light (not heavy)" - Matt. 11:30.

The easy, light thing to be borne is in fact the cross that He both gives and carries with us, as we live in union with Him. The picture of the "crossbeam" is the picture of the cross that He bore, which He asks us to take upon us as we live the cruciform life:

"At once lift up My crossbeam (or: the yoke which is Me; the balance beam that comes from and pertains to Me) upon you people, and instantly learn from Me, because I am (or: I continuously exist being) mild-tempered (gentle, kind and considerate) and humble (low) in the heart, and 'you folks will find refreshment and discover rest in and for your souls (the whole inner person; the mind, emotions and nerves)' [Jer. 6:16]" - Matt. 11:29.

The word "crossbeam" also meant a "yoke" which two oxen shared in pulling a plow. I suggest that Jesus was using the word with a double meaning - the first a yoke (which the people would readily understand); the second was a reference to His cross (which His disciples had a hard time accepting). Both are figurative uses of the word. As a yoke, we can picture ourselves paired with Jesus as together we do the Father's work in the kingdom. Both aspects of this "balance beam" bring us into balance within His reign: death to the false self; life to others as we plow their fields to plant His Seed. This is the function and purpose for which we were born: to pour out our lives as living water from our innermost being (John 7:38), and as bread (of His life) given to the world. We carry Him to the masses!

6. Now let the person being habitually orally-instructed (being sounded down [from above] into the ears so that they ring) in the Word (by the Logos; with the message) constantly express common being to (or: hold common partnership in and fellowship for; share equally with) the one regularly giving the oral instruction (sounding down and making the ears ring), in all good things.

Paul now addresses the economic relationship between community members and those who regularly give oral instruction to the group. This is a logical development of what he has been saying in Gal. 6:2-5. What he describes looks more like a barter system:

"share equally... in all good things."

This partnership and "common being/existence" (koinonia: from koinos, "common," and 'on', present participle of the verb "to be; to exist") shows relationships of equality on a common social standing - the opposite of a hierarchy. Each "joint" of the body shares what he or she has to share. At the same time, this "does not exempt the taught having responsibilities towards the teacher" (Donald Guthrie, New Century Bible Commentary, 1973 p 12). And this leads into the proverb that Paul references in the next verse.

7. Do not be continually led astray (or: Stop being caused to wander and being deceived); God is not one to be sneered at (to have a nose turned up at; to be scorned, mocked or treated like a fool), for "whatever a person is in the habit of sowing, this also he will reap,"

In vs. 7 he uses a farming metaphor (a common proverb) to emphasize the equality of contribution that should happen within the community. If all folks sow liberally of "the good" into the group, then the entire community will reap from the whole spectrum of life: body, soul and spirit. In the new creation, all is sacred; all ministers spirit. We can note how Paul moved effortlessly from this holistic view of "all good things" to his continuing theme of "flesh" versus "spirit," in vs. 8.

8. because the person continually sowing into the flesh of himself (= his estranged inner being), will reap corruption (spoil; ruin; decay) forth from out of the flesh (= the estranged inner being);
(or: the one habitually sowing into the flesh [system], of himself will reap decay from out of the flesh [system];)yet the one constantly sowing into the spirit
(or: the Breath) will be reaping eonian life (life having the qualities and characteristics of the Age [of Messiah];
or: life from the Age that lasts on through the ages) forth from out of the spirit
(or: the Spirit; the Breath; the attitude).

This contrast has been traditionally taken as a moralistic admonition on a personal level. It has obvious good-application for this. But as we have followed the rhetoric of Paul's arguments through this letter, we see that he has used these two categories to contrast the old covenant to the new, and this metaphor identifies two different kinds of soil: flesh, and spirit. If some Galatian now sows "into the flesh [system; religion], from himself he will reap decay from out of the [old] flesh [system; religion]" of the old covenant, Law or custom. I followed the parenthetical option here which puts "of or from himself" with the second clause rather than with the first. Either reading is correct.

Taken on either level, the flesh represents the corruptible which quickly decays because its core is death. On the personal level, the soul which sins dies due to its estrangement from the Vine (or, the archetypical Garden). On the covenant level, the old has died with Christ and so only decay and ruin exist in it. It was left in Christ's tomb.

The second half of the verse presents the contrasting parallel: sowing to the spirit - which equals participating in the new covenant, in the called-out community and in the Life and union with Christ. From out of the Spirit of the Christ - the Christ-life and attitude (i.e., "inclusive serving") - the Galatians (and we) "will reap eonian life" - the life having the quality and character of the Messianic Age, through the knowledge of the Father and Jesus (John 17:3); the life from out of the Spirit, which comprises the new covenant and is the means of inclusion in it. Notice the emphasis of "constantly" that attends the present tense of the verb "sowing." This is a "life-way," the Path that is the Life (John 14:6). Since the sowing is "constant," (i.e., season after season) so is the reaping, and the harvest is enjoyed in this life right here, as well as in the next.

9. So - not being people [who are] let loose out from (or: set free from out of) [the laboring] (or: not being made unstrung or exhausted so as to be relaxing [from laboring]) - we should not in worthlessness be remiss (or: act badly by failing; be despondent; in bad quality, give up) in habitually doing (making; constructing; producing) the beautiful (the fine; the ideal; the noble), for in our own appropriate situation (or: in our own appointed season; or: to or by our own fitness and proportion) we will gather in a harvest (or: will be reaping).

So - as a result of "sowing into the spirit" - we are not people that relax from our mission as though we had been let loose from out of it (cf 2 Thes. 3:13). In fact, it would display a worthless character if we should be remiss (etc.) in

"habitually producing the BEAUTIFUL, constructing the fine, doing the ideal and making the noble."
"Christ upon the cross giving the world a new axis [the axis of Love, around which the life in His kingdom centers itself] is the BEAUTY that saves the world - from its sin, from its intractable hostilities, and from the dominion of the principalities and powers.... the power structures within society - political, economic, religious and so forth. These are the institutions that shape our world" (Brian Zahnd, Beauty Will Save the World, 2012 p 83; the bracketed addition, based upon his material, and the emphasis are mine).

This describes a life of quality and value. These are also the "good things" that we are to share (vs. 6, above). This sowing into the spirit (8b, above) will produce a harvest of all that has been sown, and we will see these crops within the community and in the world at large.

The "ideal" is the new creation, the life based upon the Spirit, in the realm of spirit, and led by the effect of the Breath of God. The "noble" results will appear in their "own appropriate situation and appointed season."

10. Consequently, then, as we are continuing to hold a fitting situation [or, with other MSS: while we may continue having occasion or a fertile moment], we can keep on actively working the good [other MSS: we should habitually be performing the excellent; we can continue in the business of the virtuous] toward all people - and especially toward the families and the households of the Faithful One (or: from, and which are, this Faith and Trust; characterized by the faith from [His] loyal act)!

The consequence of the coming of the Messiah and of the giving of the Breath-effect (the Spirit) is that,

"as we are continuing to hold a fitting situation [or, with other MSS: as we may continue having occasion or a fertile moment], we can keep on actively working the good [other MSS: we should habitually be performing the excellent; we can continue in the business of the virtuous] toward all."

"All" here means EVERYONE. There is no more prejudice or separation of "the good guys" from "the bad guys." Everyone needs God's good, and we (the corporate body of Christ) - as we have fertile moments in people's lives, in institutional structures, with regard to environmental policies or in respect to human freedom - "can keep on actively working," and thus working FOR, "the Good." We work the works of, and that are, God. Other MSS use a different verb here: "habitually be performing the excellent, or, continue in the business of the virtuous." What a beautiful picture Paul paints here!

The added thought about "especially" means that it all must start toward other members of the covenant community (as in vs. 6, above), so as to present an integrated corporate witness to the world at large. Notice his use of the relational word (oikeios) "members of the family and household." The house, the body, parent/children - all pictures of an organism that is based upon relationship; not a description of an organization (system; world). In these last words, "family and household of faith/trust/loyalty," Paul effectively concludes his arguments of this letter with tying this last to his beginning remarks concerning Abraham and the faith that God's Word to him implanted within him. Paul describes this same family/household in Eph. 2:19, but there the genitive phrase that follows this noun is "... of God (or: God's family/household members). So to Paul, "faith" is equivalent to God. Cf 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Pet. 4:17.

This is not a message of covenant inclusion through works that come from the Law (the Torah; the old covenant; the old creation of Israel as a nation). It is not about being rightwised or set in the new Way of the Messiah by means of self-effort or extinct ceremonies. It is a message that brings the faithfulness of Jesus Christ to us which turns us in the right direction (aimed at Jesus and our Father), and which places us in His new creation (the corporate Christ; the Second Humanity).

Jesus gave us another level of perceiving "work," when asked

"What should we be habitually doing, so that we would be habitually working God's works?" (Jn. 6:28).

He answered:

"This is God's Work (the Action which is God; the Deed from God), so that you folks would continuously trust and progressively believe into (or: the work of God: that you can remain faithful unto) Him whom That One sends (or: sent) forth with a mission" (vs. 29).

We made reference to the passage, above, but it seems that it will be helpful to quote it, from 1 Cor. 3:

6. I myself plant (or: planted), Apollos irrigated (or: waters; caused [you] to drink), but then God was causing [it/you] to progressively grow up and increase (be augmented).

7. So that neither is the one habitually planting anything [special] (anyone [of importance]), nor the one habitually irrigating (watering; giving drink), but rather God: the One habitually and progressively causing growth and increase.

8. Now the one continually planting and the one continually irrigating are one (exist being a unit), yet each one will receive his own wage (pay; compensation) corresponding to his own labor (toil).

9. For we are God's fellow-workers (or: we are co-workers of, and from, God, and are people who work together with God; we exist being workings-together who belong to God, synergies of God; attending deeds which are God). You folks are God's farm (or: field under cultivation), God's building (or: construction project from God; structure which is God; or: act of building pertaining to God).

10. Corresponding to, in accord with and to the level of, God's grace and favor [which are] being given to (or: by) me, as [being] a skillful master-carpenter (wise chief-builder; clever head-artisan; learned, competent leading-stonemason; like a wise architect, engineer, foreman or director of works) I lay [other MSS: have laid] a foundation (or: laid a foundation [Stone]), yet another is progressively building a house upon [it]. Now let each one continue watching to observe (= take care) how he keeps on building the house upon [it] (or: upon the house),

11. for you see, no one can (or: continues able to; is having power to) lay another foundation (or: to place or set another foundation [Stone] of the same kind) beside (or: in addition to and distinct from) the One lying (or: continuing being laid): which is (continues being) Jesus Christ (Jesus [the] Anointed One; = Jesus, [the] Messiah).

Paul was neither speaking about "salvation," nor about "eschatological deliverance (or: justification)," but rather, about kingdom living in Christ. On reviewing this short study, Dan Kaplan pointed us to Gen. 2:

2. So in (or: on) the sixth day God brought His works - which He had produced - to a conclusion (or: brought to their goal and finished His actions which He had made), and then He fully ceased and RESTED down for all His WORKS which He had produced - in (or: on) the seventh day.

3. And then God spoke words of goodness, ease and well-being to (or: blessed) the seventh day, and He set it apart (made it holy and sacred), because in (or: on) it He had RESTED in fully ceasing from all His WORKS (actions; deeds) which He at one point began to do (or: starts to create and produce, form and construct; begins to make). (LXX, JM)

Now with the resting on the archetypical "sabbath" in mind, consider how we are instructed, in Heb. 3:

17. So now by (or: with) which ones was He burdened (or: weighed down with grief; heavy at heart) [for] forty years? [Was it] not by those sinning (failing to hit the target; making mistakes and errors; [A reads: being without conviction, and thus, being disobedient])? Of whom those members [of the body] (the limbs; or: = carcasses) fell in the desert (or: wilderness)!

18. Now to which folks did He swear to [that they were] not to enter into His rest, if not to the uncompliant ones (the ones refusing to be convinced so as to obey; [p46 reads: the folks being disloyal and without faith and trust])?

19. And so, we observe (or: see) that they did not have power or ability to enter because of a lack of faith and trust (or: unfaithfulness; disloyalty; distrust). And then continuing, in Heb. 4:
1. With [the] announced promise to enter into His rest (or; the ceasing which is Him) continuing in being remaining left behind down on this level [for us] and fully left [open], we should, then, be at once caused to fear (= take respectful care and be attentive), lest at some point anyone from among you folks may be appearing (or: being of the opinion) to have been behind (to have come to be in the rear; or: to be deficient; or: = to have missed it)! [cf Greek fragment addition to Gospel of Thomas 2:4; the "reign" results in "rest"]

2. For you see, we are people having been addressed with goodness (or: being brought a message of ease and well-being), even as those folks, also. But the Word (or: message; thought; idea; Logos) which they heard did not profit (or: benefit) those folks - [it] not having been mixed and blended together with faith, trust or loyalty in (or: by; for; with) those at that time hearing [it]. [with other MSS: - {they} not being folks that had been co-mingled by conviction and loyalty with those paying attention and listening.]

3. For we, those at this point believing and trusting, are progressively entering into the rest (or: the stopping). Just as He has said, "As I swore in My inherent fervor (impulse; inner agitation; anger; native disposition; or: passionate desire), 'Since (or: If) they shall proceed entering into My rest ...!'," [Ps. 95:11] although (or: and yet) - with regard to the works (actions; deeds) - being born (or: brought into existence; caused to happen or occur) from [the] casting down (laying of a foundation) of an ordered system (or: of [the] world; or: namely, of the works born from cosmic conception [from the usage of katabolen with spermatos in Heb. 11:11]; thus: of works generated from conception of a world or of the aggregate of humanity).

4. For He said in a certain place concerning the seventh, thus, "And God rested in the seventh day from all His works." [Gen. 2:2]

5. And yet in this, again, "Since (or: If) they shall proceed entering into My rest ...!"

6. Since, then, there continues being left remaining [for] some folks to enter into it, and those being formerly addressed with goodness (or: being brought a message of ease and well-being) did not enter because of a lack of being convinced (or: incompliance; disobedience). ....
9. Consequently, a keeping of a sabbath (a state of rest) is being left remaining for (or: to; in; with) God's people,

10. for the person entering into His rest also caused himself to REST from HIS OWN WORKS (actions; deeds), just as God [did] from His own.

11. We should at once with diligence hasten, then, to enter into this REST (or: that ceasing down [from work]; completely stopping), so that one would not fall in the same example (or: result of a pattern) of incompliance (or: stubbornness; disobedience; lack of conviction; [p46 reads: lack of faith and trust]).

So here is the other side of the coin: WE cease from OUR OWN works, and while being led by the Spirit (Rom. 8:14), WE do God's works. Recall that Jesus said,

"I am now saying to you folks [that] the Son continues unable to do anything from Himself (or: the Son, from Himself, habitually has no power to be doing anything [independently]) except He can (or: unless He should) continue seeing something the Father is in process of doing for what things That One may likely be progressively doing these things, also, the Son is likewise habitually doing" (Jn. 5:19).

Furthermore, we read a balanced view of our "works," in Eph. 2:

8. For you see, by (or: to; in; for; with) the grace and joyous favor you are (you continuously exist being) folks having been delivered (rescued; kept safe; saved; made whole; restored to your original state and condition) so as to now be enjoying salvation through [some MSS add: the] faithfulness (or: loyalty; trust; faith; confidence), and even this NOT forth from out of you folks, [it is] the gift of, and from, God (or: the gift which is God; or: the gift pertains to God),

9. NOT out of works (or: not forth from the midst of actions or deeds done; = not self-produced; = not from the Law or the old covenant), to the end that no one could boast,

10. for the fact is, WE are (continually exist being) THE EFFECT of what He did (or: His creation; the thing He has constructed; the result of His work; His achievement; His opus; the effect of His Deed): people being founded from a state of disorder and wildness (being framed, built, settled and created; being changed from chaos to order), within and in union with Christ Jesus; [founded and built] upon [and thus, for] good WORKS (virtuous actions; excellent deeds) which GOD made ready (prepared; or: prepares) beforehand, to the end that we may, could, should and would walk about (= live our lives) centered within and in union with THEM.

In 2 Cor. 5:17, we read that "in Christ... there is a new creation" - and that is US. And so, let us end with Paul in Phil. 2:

12. Consequently, my loved ones, according as at all times (or: as always) you folks submissively listened, paid attention and humbly obeyed, not as only in my presence, but further, now (at this moment) much more in my absence - in company with reverent fear and trembling (or: = earnestness and concern) - be habitually working commensurately with the deliverance (or: be constantly producing on the level and sphere of the wholeness and well-being which are the outcome of the rescue and salvation) of, or pertaining to, yourselves,

13. for you see, God is the One habitually operating with inward activity, repeatedly working within, constantly causing function and progressively producing effects within, among and in union with you folks - both the [condition] to be habitually willing (intending; purposing; resolving) and the [situation] to be continuously effecting the action, repeatedly operating to cause function and habitually setting at work so as to produce - for the sake of and over the pleasing good form and the thinking of goodness in delightful imagination.

14. Be habitually doing (accomplishing; constructing; producing) all things apart from grumbling complaints (or: murmurings) and reasoned considerations
(or: designing thoughts; divided reckonings unto the settlements of accounts; arguments which permeate the environment or go in every direction).
"Since [you are] full of power (or: if capable; if or since able) regarding that which has its source in you folks (or: as to that which proceeds from yourselves corporately), [live] being folks continuously at peace with all mankind (or: in joined harmony in the midst of all people)" (Rom. 12:18).


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