Another Look at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
To what time or situation does this passage speak?
By Jonathan Mitchell

1. Now we are asking (or: requesting) you, brothers (= community members), over [the topic of] the (this) Presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ (or: concerning our Master, Jesus Christ, [being] present; [cf Phil. 4:5]), and our being gathered together upon (or: and of us being fully led together and assembling on the basis of) Him: [cf Heb. 10:25]

The NRSV, KJV, and other translations, render the word "Presence (parousia)" as "coming." But the literal meaning of this Greek word is: 'para-' (beside; alongside; with) + 'ousia' (being). This simply means "being present," or, here with the definite article, "the Presence." Because of this poor translation in the NRSV, and others, Paul's topic of this passage is commonly assumed to be speaking of a future time. But this verse can be read as speaking of the Presence of the Lord that was constantly with them, and in them.

The second part of the verse,

"our being gathered together upon Him, or on the basis of Him,"

can refer to their times of meeting together as a called-out assembly.

2. in regard to this, you folks are NOT at any point to be quickly shaken (tossed, as by the sea, or caused to totter, like a reed) away from The Mind (or: from the mental sense of a perception; or: away from the ability to be aware and to reason; or: off from wits and intelligence), nor to be continuously disturbed (alarmed; startled), neither through a spirit (or: a breath-effect; an attitude), nor through a word (or: reason; a thought; a patterned message; an idea), nor through a letter - as if by (through) us - since seeing that the Day of the LORD (or: the Master; or: [= Yahweh]) has been set in place (or: and as thus, for this cause: because the Day from [other MSS: Christ] has been placed in, made to stand in, and has stood within so as to be here)! [cf 1 Thes. 5:5]

Understanding Paul's meaning, regarding "the Day of the Lord," depends upon how we render the two conjunctions that immediately precede this phrase. The first one is ''os', and on offer are the meanings, "since seeing; and as thus; for this cause." The second one is ''oti', and on offer are the meanings, "that," and, "because."

So the first reading of the final clause of this verse can read,

"since seeing that the Day of the LORD has been set in place."

Or, conflating two meanings of the first conjunction,

"and as thus, for this cause: because the Day from the Lord (or, Christ - with other MSS) has been placed in, made to stand in, and has stood within so as to be here."

The verb in this clause is in the perfect tense: the action took place in the past, and the results of that action continue to be present, or here. The NRSV renders the clause,

"to the effect [rendering 'os] that the day of the Lord is already here."

This has been taken to refer to the supposed content of a word, or message; from a spirit or attitude; or through a spurious letter which claimed to be from Paul, any of which had "the effect" of proclaiming that the day of the Lord was already there, at that time, when in fact (the presumptive interpretation maintains) it has not yet come.

However, this final clause can be simply read as an affirmation to the fact

"that the Day of the LORD has been set in place, so as to be here,"

and BECAUSE of THIS, they are

"NOT at any point to be quickly shaken (tossed, as by the sea, or caused to totter, like a reed) away from The Mind [of Christ], nor to be continuously disturbed (alarmed; startled)."

Paul references the topic of Christ, and His Day, in Phil. 1:6,

"... the One inwardly beginning (making an inward start; inciting; inwardly originating [note: in the context of sacrifices, this word meant "to begin the offering"]) a good work, a virtuous action or an excellent deed within you people (or: among you folks; or: in union with you [all]), will progressively bring it to the completed goal(will keep on bringing perfection upon it; shall continue upon it to the final act and finished product: its completion; will continue bringing a destiny upon it; [note: this was a technical term for the ending of the sacrifice]) - during (or: within) [this] Day of, and from, Christ Jesus [with other MSS: as far as {the} Day, which is Jesus Christ]!"

In this verse, the conjunction 'achri' functions as an improper preposition, being used with the genitive case which follows. As such, we have its meanings, "during," or, "within," instead of its other meanings, "until," or, "up to a point of," which, in contrast, would be pointing to a future situation. We are still within the midst of the Day of Christ, which began with His resurrection when He began this good work within people.

3. May no one at any point beguile or seduce you folks from a deception - not even down from one turn (or: not according to one method; not in the sphere of a manner or disposition) - because should not this standing-away-from (the departure; this defection; the setting away; or: seeing that the rebellion and the Revolt would NOT) come first, and thus the human being from The Lawlessness - that Humanity of the Failure and expressing The Sin [cf Rom. 7:8-25])

[some MSS: the Man who missed the mark and sinned; this humanity with the qualities and character of error and mistake; with other MSS: the person owned by lawlessness or associated with illegal acts] - be uncovered (revealed; disclosed): the 'son of the Loss' (or: the descendent having the qualities of, or the character pertaining to, The Destruction),

The opening clause is an admonition that echoes the opening clause of vs. 2. Following this, the NRSV, following the example of the KJV, inserts a short clause that is not in the Greek texts: "for that day will not come." This seemingly harmless addition is put there to bolster a futurist reading of this passage. We suggest that, rather, Paul is pointing out either of two possible readings which tell his listeners why they should not be shaken (vs. 2) or beguiled from a deception (vs. 3):

a) he is rhetorically saying, "should not this standing-away-from (this departure)," which they are presently observing as folks return to Judaism, "come first," which will be that which then unveils "the human being from The Lawlessness" - the inner part of humans into whom death came as a result of Adam's sin (Rom. 5:12). This will reveal those who are true followers of Christ, and those who were not really believers. It can refer to a defection from the Faith, or from allegiance to Christ. This noun is used in only one other place in the NT, in Acts 21:21, where it had been said about Paul, "that you are repeatedly teaching all the Jews down through the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; non-Jews) an apostasy away (a revolt; a standing away; a defection) from Moses." But in our present context, Paul seems to be speaking about a defection from Christ by "that Humanity of the Failure: those expressing The Sin" of those who are "dead in trespasses and sin" (Eph. 2:1);

b) or, he is speaking of the foreseen Jewish War, and that, "the rebellion and the Revolt would NOT come first, but would happen in the near future, and that they should not be deceived about this.
The phrase "the son of..." was a common formula to describe the character, quality, or personality, of someone, such as, "sons of thunder," which Jesus called James and John (Mk. 3:17). Another example of this is Paul's description of Christ as being "the Son of His love" (KJV), which NRSV renders, "his beloved Son" (Col. 1:13). So what was "the Loss, or the Destruction," to which he was referring? We suggest that this term referred to the Loss that humanity suffers as a result of Adam's offense (Rom. 5). It is the loss of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son (Lu. 15). It refers to the destroyed state of the human predicament. We read Paul as using personification as a rhetorical device in the phrases, the human being of the Lawlessness; the Humanity of the Sin; the son of the Loss, the descendent pertaining to the Destruction.

4. the one continuously occupying an opposite position (or: constantly lying as the opposing counterpart) and repeatedly lifting (or: raising) himself up over all (or: upon everything) being normally called, or termed, god or an effect of worship (or: reverent awe), so as to cause him to be seated - down into the midst of the temple of God (or: this temple, from God) - continuously displaying himself, that he is deity (or: continuously pointing out that he himself exists being a god).

It is "the old man," the "carnally minded person," the person living from the influence and character of the first Adam. Let us turn to Rom. 8, and read a few verses where Paul speaks of such people:

5. You see, those continuously existing in accord with, or on the level of, organic flesh (or: = in correspondence to Torah-keeping and cultural boundaries; or: along the line of, and dominated by, the human [condition; state of being] of the natural realm) habitually think about, have an understanding and outlook based upon, are inclined to, set their mind on, and are disposed to, the things of the flesh (= the human condition with its cultural traditions, religious cultus and national boundary markers). Yet those in accord with, on the level of, and dominated by, spirit (or: down from, and following the pattern of, [the] Spirit; in the sphere of Breath-effect; commensurate to, and in line with, [His] Attitude) [think about; have an outlook from; are disposed to] the things, matters, and realms, of the spirit (or: of the Spirit; from the Breath-effect; which are the Attitude).

6. For it follows that, the result of the thinking (the mind-set and effect of the way of thinking; this disposition; the result of understanding and inclination; the minding; this opinion; the thought; this outlook) of the flesh (= from the human condition or the System of culture and cultus; or: = from the keeping of Torah) [is; brings] death, yet the result of the thinking (the mind-set and effect of the way of thinking; this disposition; the thought, minding, opinion and outlook) of the spirit (or: of the Spirit; from the Breath-effect; which is the Attitude) [is; brings] Life and Peace (a Joining; a Binding-together of that which had been separated). [cf Gen. 3:17]

7. Because of that, the result of the thinking (disposition; thought processes; mind-set, outlook) of the flesh (= attention to Torah boundary-markers, custom and cultus; or: from the human condition) [is; brings] enmity, alienation and discord [streaming] into God (or: hostility unto, or active hatred with a view to, God), for, you see, it continues not being humbly aligned and supportive (habitually placed under and submitted; or, as a middle: subjecting, humbly arranging or marshaling itself) to the principle and law which is God (or: in God's principle; by the Law from God), for, indeed, neither is it able nor does it have power.

8. Now these folks continuously existing in the sphere of (or: So people being in union with, or centered in, or in the midst of) flesh (= the organic, natural realm; = the alienated human condition; or: = the religious system of flesh sacrifices or Torah boundary-markers and customs) have no power and are not able at any point to please God (or: to fit or adapt to God; or: to be content with God; or: to be acceptable in God).

Also, insights into this verse can be gained by reading the following passages: Gen. 3:5, 22; Isa. 14:13; Ezk. 28:2; Dan. 11:36; Rev. 13:6.

5. Do you not remember that, still being with you, I kept on saying these things to you?

Teachings on this subject had already been given to these Thessalonians, and this is most likely the reason why he did not go into more details in this letter. But for those reading later, these references and terms can be enigmatic.

6. And so now you know (have seen and are aware of) this continuously holding fast unto (or: detaining or restraining into the midst of; or: retaining in full possession, having in a firm grasp, or occupying, with a view to; or: holding its course into) the [situation for] him to be uncovered (unveiled; disclosed) in his own fitting situation (or: proper occasion; suitable season; fertile moment).

And so, our questions continue. Of what, or of whom, was he speaking? This verse needs to be read with the following one, for vs. 7 seems to add explanation to vs. 6.

7. For you see, the secret (hidden purpose; mystery) of this lawlessness (pertaining to the condition of being without law; which is this unlawfulness; having the character of being a violation of the Law; from contrariness to the custom; or: = of the Zealotry; or: = of the Sicarii) is already continuously working WITHIN, operating and energizing, [yet] only until the one (or: the person; the Man; [note: masculine article]) continuously holding course with a firm grasp (or: maintaining; fully possessing; or: restraining), at the present moment, can at some point birth himself out of the midst (or: would suddenly bring himself to be, or, come to exist, from the midst [of the body; of the community; cf Rev. 12:5]).

This rendering, which is now on offer, comes from looking again at the semantic range of the verb 'katecho', which is used in both vss. 6 and 7. As presented in the parenthetical expansion of vs. 6, it can mean, "detain," or "restrain," or, "retain in full possession." It also has a basic meaning of, "hold down." Most versions present these latter renderings. However, the reader is left with the question, "Who, or what, is doing this detaining, restraining or holding down?"

This new look at these verses has unpacked them with a different perception of what is being described by Paul. As to the first part of vs. 7,

"the secret of this lawlessness,"

we read this in parallelism with,

"the one continuously occupying an opposite position" (vs. 4),

and the

"him to be uncovered" (vs. 6),


"those continuously existing in accord with, or on the level of, organic flesh... the result of the thinking of the flesh..."


"folks continuously existing in the sphere of the flesh,"

to whom Paul refers in Rom. 8:5-8 (above). It is these folks who are,

"constantly lying as the opposing counterpart" (vs. 4, above).

So to what does the second half of vs. 6, and the second half of vs. 7, refer? We need to keep in mind the main purpose, and central theme, of this passage. Paul does not want the folks to be shaken or disturbed by the misguided, deceptive media from the religious domination system of his day. Their false prophets would lead them astray, if they took heed to the fake intel that was coming from them.

Thus, we have on offer different renderings from the semantic range of katecho:

"this continuously holding fast unto (or: retaining in full possession, having in a firm grasp, or occupying, with a view to; or: holding its course into)."

This is from vs. 6, where we have a neutral definite article (to, which I render, "this") with a present participle of this verb. In vs. 7, he uses the masculine article (the one; the person; the Man) with a masculine present participle. Here, I was struck by the nautical use of this verse, combined with a literal rendering,

"continuously holding course with a firm grasp."

Now this sounds like Paul, giving admonition to his listeners. To me, it corresponds to

"pressing for the mark,"

in his metaphorical use of the stadium games. Also, note his use of

"at the present moment ('arti'),"

referring to this admonition applying to their present circumstances. Most of them were still in their "gestation" phase, progressing toward the maturity in which they would come to exist (note Paul's birth/come to be metaphor). When they would come to exist as mature sons of God, the old man, the first Adam personality which by its prior estranged condition was that of a lawless person (cf Rom. 7:4-25), as we now read about, in vs. 8.

8. And then (at that time) this lawless one (this unlawful one; the one without law; the man who violates the Law and is contrary to custom; = the Zealot) will be uncovered (unveiled; disclosed), whom the Lord Jesus will take back up again (= take away [reading 'anaireo' with Nestle & Concordant texts; Griesbach & other MSS read 'analisko': consume, use up, expend]) by the Spirit of (or: the Breath-effect from) His mouth, and will deactivate (render inoperative and useless; make inert) by this manifestation (the bringing of light upon and setting in full and clear view, causing an appearance) of his (or: its) presence - [cf Dan. 7:10; Heb. 10:27]

This verse can now be viewed as speaking of the process of the "sanctification" and "purification" of the believer. Recall what we just read, in vs. 7: this refers to the aspect of the mind that had been focused on the flesh, which was, "already continuously working WITHIN, operating and energizing." The Spirit of the Lord Jesus speaks His Logos into us, and it deactivates this lawless "old man" within us, and at the same time brings the presence of this

"carnal man (flesh-focused persona)"

into His Light, causing it to appear as what it is - the lawless one, the man of The Sin - which has been operating in the way that our next verse explains:

9. whose presence IS continuously EXISTING in correspondence to (or: in line with; in the sphere of; on the level of) the adversary's (opponent's) in-working activity (or: is constantly in accordance with the operation of this "adversary," or, satan), in the sphere of every power (or: within the midst of every means of influence; in union with, and centered in, all ability) as well as in signs and wonders from a lie (or: of falsehood; which are a lie), [cf Jn. 8:34-47; Eph. 2:2]

Glance ahead, to vs. 10, to see where this situation

"IS continuously EXISTING."

Yes, it is

"WITHIN the FOLKS continuously or repeatedly being fully LOST."

Well, just keep in mind that Jesus' mission was to save and deliver the LOST. Who were Paul's adversaries? Primarily, they were the Judaizers of his day - those trying to bring the followers of Christ back under the Law. Those yet in Second Temple Judaism were also his adversaries - just as he, himself, had been to the body of Christ, prior to his Damascus Road experience. If we read the meaning of the word "power," as rather being

"within the midst of every means of influence; in union with, and centered in, all ability,"

the second half of this verse may make more sense to us. Recall Simon, the sorcerer, in Acts 8:9-11. Also, Jesus predicted these things, in Mat. 24:24,

"For you see, false christs (or: false anointings; phony anointed ones; = counterfeit messiahs) and false prophets will one after another be raised up, and they will continue giving (presenting; = performing) great signs and miracles (amazing things; wonders) so as to continuously mislead (deceive; cause to wander; lead astray) - if able (if in [their] power; or: since [it is] possible) - even the picked out and chosen folks."

We view this passage, in Mat. 24, as speaking to that current generation, as Jesus had said (Mat. 24:34). We read Paul as speaking to this same time, and the same situation.

10. and within every deception (delusion; seduction) of the injustice (wrong; thing that is not the way pointed out and which is not right) WITHIN the FOLKS continuously or repeatedly being fully LOST (or: by the folks progressively ruining and completely destroying themselves) in return for which (or: in the place of which) THEY do (or: did) not take unto themselves and welcomely receive the Love of, from, and which is, the Truth (or: Truth's accepting Love; the Love which is Truth and Reality; or: the urge to union, which is Reality; [cf 1 Cor. 13; Eph. 4:15; Rev. 2:4]), into the [situation for] THEM at some point to be delivered (restored to health and wholeness; rescued; saved; restored to the original state and condition). [cf 2 Cor. 2:15-16a; 4:3]

Note, again, that all of this negative activity is happening WITHIN people who are LOST, or such behavior is

"by the folks progressively ruining and completely destroying themselves."

These were folks who, at that time, were not receiving the Gospel message; the Love for Christ, the Truth and the Way, had not yet been born within them, to the end that THEY (I'm emphasizing the plural aspect of this "mystery of lawlessness") would at that time be delivered. But as 1 Cor. 15:23 instructs us, this would happen when their particular order would come into focus, so that our Parent would give a spiritual birth to them (Jn. 3:7).

11. And so, because of this, GOD is continuously sending to (or: in; with; for) THEM an in-working (or: operation) of wandering (or: from straying; which has the character of error and deception) into the [situation for] THEM to believe, and to trust, the lie, [cf Rom. 1:24]

This reminds us of Mat. 13:

13. "Therefore I continue speaking in parables (with illustrations) to them, because while seeing (or: observing) they continue not seeing, and during listening (or: hearing) they are not hearing (or: listening) - neither are they comprehending or understanding (having things flow together so as to get the picture or see the relationships).

14. "And so the prophecy of Isaiah is progressively being filled up in (or: for; by) them - the one continuing in saying, 'In listening you folks will keep on hearing, and yet you can by no means have things flow together so as to get the picture or see the relationships (or: comprehend or understand), and while constantly looking, you will continue observing, and yet you can by no means see so as to perceive.

15.'For the heart of this People was made thick and fat, and thus has become impervious, dull and insensitive, and with the ears they hear heavily, and are thus hard of hearing, and they shut (or: closed) their eyes (or: they squint their eyes), lest at some time they might see with [their] eyes and should then be listening and hearing with [their] ears, and with the heart they could make things flow together so as to comprehend - and they might turn about! And so, I will progressively cure and heal them!' [Isa. 6:9-10]
(or: ... and they squint their eyes! At some point should they not see with [their] eyes, and continue listening so as to hear with [their] ears, and thus understand in the heart? And then they can turn around, and I will continue healing them!').

Paul spoke of this situation, regarding the Second Temple Jews, in 2 Cor. 3:

14. But further, the results of their perceptions, concepts and understanding (effects of directing the mind and thought processes) were petrified (were hardened into a stony concretion and made callous [note: a medical term for being covered with thick skin]), for until this very day the same head-covering (veil) continues remaining (dwelling; abiding; [cf Jn. 3:36]) upon the reading of the old covenant (arrangement; thorough placement) - it [i.e., the reading of the old, or the old covenant itself, or the understanding of it] continues not being uncovered or unveiled - because it [i.e., the old covenant and arrangement] continues being progressively and fully unemployed and brought down to doing no work, and thus, being made useless, ineffective, nullified, and abolished, within Christ (or: [the old arrangement and covenant] is abolished in union with, and in the sphere of, an Anointing, and, in the midst of Christ).

15. Still furthermore, until today, whenever Moses should be habitually read [e.g., in the synagogue], a head-covering (veil) continues lying upon their heart (= the innermost being of the group).

16. Yet whenever the time should be reached when it [= the heart] can (or: would; may; should; or: shall at some point) twist and turn upon, so as to face toward, [the] Lord [= Christ], "the head-covering (veil; [cf Isa. 25:7]) is progressively taken from around [it]." [cf Rom. 11:23]

Many folks are believing the lie, even in our day. Misguided doctrines - most of them based upon poor exegesis and/or the misreading rhetorical devices and apocalyptic imagery - have saturated the Christian church, and these both lull the congregants to sleep and keeps folks from enjoying the freedom that is with Christ (e.g., Gal. 5:1).

12. to the end that all those not being faithful to the Truth (or: not believing and trusting this Reality), but rather approving and delighting in injustice (inequity; the thing that is not right), may (or: can; would) at some point be sifted, separated and decided about (or: judged). [cf Ezk. 14:9; 1 Tim. 4:1]

This happened to many Judeans, during the Jewish war that ended in AD 70. A judgment came upon the system of Second Temple Judaism, and their temple was destroyed. This was a part of the deactivation referred to in vs. 8, above. As Paul instructed us, in Rom. 7, the coming of the Law promoted sin, and lawlessness. It had to pass away and vanish (Heb. 8) so that a Better Arrangement (or: Covenant) could be established. Recall Paul's words in Rom. 5:20a,

"Now Law and custom at one point entered in alongside (or: intruded into the situation by the side) to the end that the effect of the fall to the side (or: so that the result of the offense and the stumbling aside) would INCREASE to be more than enough (should be augmented, greatly abound, and become more intense)...."

So the Law had to pass away (2 Cor. 5:17) so that the Better would be in force. Paul explains how the Better works, in Rom. 5:20b-21,

"But where the Sin (the failure, divergence or missing of the target; this deviation and error; the "derangement") increases (or: was augmented and abounded to be more than enough; or: becomes more intense) THE GRACE ("the act producing happiness, which is granted as a favor" - Jim Coram) at once super-exceeds (or: hyper-exceeded) over and above, surrounding to excessive abundance and overflow, to the end that JUST AS the Sin (the failing; the erroneous acting; the deviating and digressing which issued in missing the goal) at one point reigned (or: ruled as king; exercised sovereign sway) centered in, within the midst of, in union with, and in the sphere of, the Death, THUS SO (or: in THIS way), also the Grace and this joyous Favor would reign (should rule as king; can exercise sovereign sway) through a rectifying, eschatological deliverance that created rightwisedness (or: by means of being rightly-turned into an existence with equity in covenantal solidarity of right relationships which accord with the Way pointed out; through a liberating, rectifying justice) [which leads] into, and results in, LIFE which belongs to, pertains to, and has the characteristics of, the Age (or: eonian life; Life of the Age [of Messiah]; a life for the ages) - through Jesus Christ, our Owner (Lord; Master)."


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