The Manifestation of
the Sons of God
(KJV rendering of Rom. 8:19b)
By Jonathan Mitchell

Just What Does This Phrase Mean?

In this short paper, we will examine the meanings of the Greek term commonly rendered "manifestation," along with how the genitive phrase "of the sons of God" can be rendered.

The ESV offers this translation:

"the revealing of the sons of God."

In the NIV, we find:

"for the sons of God to be revealed."

The core meaning of the first noun is "unveiling," and when something is unveiled, it is "revealed," or, "disclosed," and, in this sense, it can be "manifested."

The nouns "sons" and "God" are in the form that can be rendered as an ablative (basically, "from") or as a genitive (which functions in a variety of ways, which are on offer in my expanded translation, below). So here is my rendering of Rom. 8:19,

"For the departure of, and liberation from, head-thinking - which is the cessation and a moving-away from [human] imagination, opinions and assumptions - in the head of the creation is constantly receiving and taking away from out of the unveiling of God's sons
(or: the uncovering and revealing of folks who have the character and qualities of God; or: the disclosure pertaining to the sons of God; or: the unveiling and revelation which belongs to God's sons; or, as an ablative: the disclosure from God's sons)."

So, who are God's sons? Earlier in this same chapter, vs. 14, Paul explicitly answered this question:

"For it follows that as many as are being continuously led by God's Spirit (or: habitually brought or conducted in [the] Breath-effect which is God; progressively driven along with an attitude from God), these folks are God's sons (these continuously exist being sons of God; or: = these are folks who have the character and qualities of God)." [comment: echo of the Exodus]

The term "son" can refer to one born by his parents, or, in the idiom of that culture, to "a person who has the character and quality" of something, as Jesus referred to Jacob and John as "sons of thunder," or as a "man of peace," or a "man of God." Here, in Rom. 8:14, Paul seems to indicate that he is using the term "son" in the sense of a manner of living, or as referring to the realm which guides their behavior.

Notice that he uses the phrase, "as many as are being continuously led by..." This opens the category of "son" to all members of the called out communities, i.e., those who are "joined to the Lord" (1 Cor. 6:17). It refers to a disciple: one who follows the Lord (Mat. 16:24).

The noun "manifestation" renders the Greek apokalupsis, from which we get the English "apocalypse." But let us consider the semantic range of this term, and the nuances which can derive from it:

"The unveiling of God's sons" - which means that the veil has been taken off of them so that they can be seen, but also that now, they can see. [cf 2 Cor. 3:13-16]

Many of God's sons have a veil over their hearts, and they need to have their hearts unveiled to see Christ and to see who they are in Christ. Until this happens, in their cases, creation is not being delivered from its bondage, in them or through them. Paul prayed for people that God,

"... might give (suddenly impart) to you a spirit (or: breath-effect; attitude) of wisdom and revelation (UNVEILING; uncovering; DISCLOSURE) within the midst of a full, experiential and intimate knowledge of Himself (or: in a full realization of Him; or: within and in union with His full, personal knowledge; or: centered and resident within an added insight from Him, and which is Him), the eyes of your heart (= the insights and perceptions of the core of your being) having continued being enlightened (or: being progressively illuminated into a state of enlightenment) into the [situation for] you folks to have seen and thus perceive and know what is the expectation" (Eph. 1:17-18a).
"The uncovering and revealing of folks who have the character and qualities of God"

- which means that people can recognize the members of Christ's body who are existentially following the lead of the Spirit.

"The disclosure pertaining to the sons of God"

- now this would refer to information about the sons, or about what they are doing, or about what they are saying.

"The unveiling and revelation which belongs to God's sons"

- this presents the phrase "the sons" as a possessive genitive. I refers to a revelation which has been given to them (such as to John, in The Unveiling; The Revelation). It would be speaking about something which they could share with the called out communities, or anyone - just as John did, in writing to the seven communities in Asia.

"The disclosure from God's sons"

- an ablative reading of the phrase "the sons," which would refer to the information which God's sons would share with the creation. This could simply mean the message which sent-forth folks would proclaim. The whole creation is waiting to hear the Word, for the reasons that Rom. 8:20-30 go on to explain.

Now let us backtrack to the last clause of the previous verse (18b) and observe what Paul said just before what he shared in our present verse (19b):

"the glory which is progressively about to be disclosed unto us, and for us (or: unveiled into our midst; revealed to and [enter] into us)."

Now Paul's phrase in vs. 19b can be understood in greater clarity. He used the verb from which our noun is derived. Creation is receiving life and understanding from the unveiling of God's sons. It was the message of the Messiah, His death and resurrection, the advent of the new creation and the new arrangement, the giving of God's Spirit to humanity in a new way.

With this in mind, consider Gal. 1:15, 16,

"Yet when God... thought well to unveil (reveal; uncover; disclose) His Son within the midst of me (or: in union with me), to the end that I in myself (or: for myself; by myself; of myself) would announce and proclaim the message of goodness, [which is] Him, within the ethnic multitudes (or: may bring and tell the message of ease and well-being: Him [now] among the nations)..."

Those who are led by God's Spirit normally have something to share with other folks.

In 2021 the world is in a period of the disclosure of fraud, illegal acts and the unveiling of world-wide, evil agendas. We suggest that the disclosures and the unveiling are coming from, and through, God's sons. You see,

"the creation itself will continue being progressively set free (will be habitually liberated and constantly made free) from the slavery of, and from, decay - even the bondage of deterioration which leads to fraying and ruin - [and released] into the freedom of the glory and splendor of God's children" (Rom. 8:21).

And so,

"all the creation keeps on sighing, groaning or querulously moaning together, and yet progressively travailing together as in childbirth (continues suffering common birthing pains) until now (to the point of the present moment)" (Rom. 8:22).

As in the past, and all through history, creation continued being set free through the activities of God's sons. Paul gave us the pattern, in vs. 19, where we see that,

"the uncovering and revealing of folks who have the character and qualities of God, the disclosure pertaining to the sons of God, the unveiling or revelation which belongs to God's sons, and the disclosure from God's sons,"

kept on bringing freedom and liberty to humanity. We may not have considered some of God's servants as being "sons of God," but we should recall Prov. 21:1,

"Just like a rushing flow of water, just so [is] a king's heart, in God's hand: wherever He is from time to time desiring and intending He would nod or incline His head (with other MSS: wherever He continues purposing to turn [it]), there He turns it, inclines it, makes it tip over, or pours it out" (LXX, JM).

Today we mostly have politicians, heads of state, and government agencies. But we suggest that Prov. 21:1 still applies to them. Military leaders, or citizen action groups also flow in His hand. He can purpose any of these to accord with His will, and so our focus should stay on Him.

We have the witnesses in the OT of individuals who were influenced and led by the Spirit to accomplish significant acts that were used by God for His purposes. Consider Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Rahab at Jericho, then later Deborah who performed as both a deliverer and a judge in Israel. Most folks know the story of David delivering Israel by defeating Goliath. Dan Kaplan points us to Esther who was instrumental in the defeat of Haman, which ended with him on the gallows that he had intended for Mordechai. The 11th chapter of Hebrews is the classic passage for calling such things to mind.

So let us observe our present world situations with the eyes of the Spirit (Eph. 1:18, above) enlightening our perceptions, as we send forth thoughts and prayers for the world having goodness, ease and well-being. Let us turn our attention to God's Spirit to the end that we would be led by Him, and perform as sons of God.


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